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Reform and transformation of industrial vehicles

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Current economic circumstances of the last years and limited access to investment credit are causing many transport companies rethink adapt its current fleet of vehicles to the real needs demanded by its customers.

In this way, CAMINO makes reform and transformations in industrial vehicles and trucks of all the European brands.

The major reforms and transformations that performs CAMINO in trailers, semi-trailers and all brands of European truck ( IVECO , RENAULT , MAN , Mercedes, Volvo. Scania , RENAULT ) are :

- Transformation of tractors to rigid trucks 2 or three axles , incorporating an additional axle with lift mounted single tire or twins.

- Assembly and installation of third or fourth axles in rigid trucks .

- Installation and assembly of directional or self-steering axles in trailers and semi-trailers.

- Lengthening and shortening of chassis according to the measures requested byclients

- Mounting of hydraulic equipment

- Mounting of hydraulic pumps, vacuum pumps with depressant system , suction pump for loading and unloading of food products, chemicals or sewage sludge.

- Reform and adaptations in mining vehicles

In all studies of reforms and transformations, CAMINO engineering department performs a pre-study of the reform, or transformation to perform with the agencies involved, official brand of trucks , technical labs , engineer schools , approval agencies and agencies of control .

CAMINO makes its new vehicles approvals, reforms and transformations with INTA (National Institute of Aerospace Technical ) Section Industrial vehicles , state agency with a great international prestige. It also makes the legalization of reforms and changes in relevant state agency


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